Selasa, 24 September 2013

Normally in the present tense we add S to the end of the verb in the 3rd person (He, She, It).
Verb 3rd Person
Speak Speaks
Play Plays
Give Gives
Make Makes
  • He speaks three languages.
  • She drinks coffee every morning.
  • My dog hates my cat.

Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs in English in the present tense follow very simple rules. The only change that is made to these verbs is in the third person – for He, She or It.
1. If the verb ends in SS, X, CH, SH or the letter O, we add + ES in the third person.
Verb 3rd Person
Kiss Kisses
Fix Fixes
Watch Watches
Crash Crashes
Go Goes
  • A mechanic fixes cars.
  • She watches soap operas every afternoon.
  • He kisses his wife before he goes to work.

2. If the verb ends in a Consonant + Y, we remove the Y and + IES in the third person.
Verb 3rd Person
Carry Carries
Hurry Hurries
Study Studies
Deny Denies
  • Isabel studies every night.
  • The baby cries all the time.
  • He denies all responsibility.

Negative Sentence

To form the negative we use the auxiliary do not. Again, the only variation occurs in the 3rd person where we use does not.

Positive Negative
I talk I do not talk
She talksShe does not talk
You sleep You do not sleep
He sleeps He does not sleep
Carol studies Carol does not study
We study We do not study

In the negative, the main verb is always in the bare infinitive (without TO). It doesn't change for the third person. We don't put an S on the end of the verb in the negative form. In the examples above - talk, sleep and study do not change in the 3rd person.
  • He speaks Italian
    He doesn't speak Italian.
Remember: Do not can be abbreviated to Don't and Does not can be abbreviated to Doesn't.


Modal verbs

can and could

Can adalah modal verb (atau modal auxiliary verb).
(+) S + can + V1
(-) S + cannot/can’t + V1
(?) Can + S + V1

Bentuk orang ketiga tunggal (third person singular) tidak ditambah akhiran –s.
- She cans swim very well. (Salah)
- She can swim very well. (Benar)
Kalimat pertanyaan dan negatif tanpa menggunakan do.
- Do you can swim? (Salah)
- Can you swim? (Benar)
- I don’t can swim. (Salah)
 - I can’t swim. (Benar)
Setelah can, gunakan infinitive tanpa to (infinitive without to).
- I can to speak a little English. (Salah)
- I can speak a little English. (Benar)
Can tidak memiliki bentuk infinitive atau participles. Bila diperlukan, bisa menggunakan bentuk lain yaitu (to) be able to yang memiliki makna yang sama.
- I’d like to be able to stay here. (Bukanto can stay …)
- You’ll be able to walk soon. (Bukan You’ll can …)
- I’ve always been able to play games well. (Bukan I’ve always could …)
- I’ve always been allowed to do what I liked. (Bukan I’ve always could …)
Could adalah bentuk ”past tense” dari can. Tetapi penggunaan could tidak hanya dalam bentuk past, tetapi juga present atau future.
- I could read when I was four.
- You could be right.
- Could I see you tomorrow evening?
(+) S + could + V1
(-) S + could not/couldn’t + V1
(?) Could + S + V1
Could juga digunakan untuk kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentences).
- I could marry him if I wanted to.
- If only we had enough money, we could go to Europe for our holiday.
Can dan could terutama digunakan untuk:
a. menyatakan ability
b. menyatakan possibility
c. meminta dan memberikan permission
d. menawarkan, meminta seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu

Selasa, 10 September 2013

A. father   village(i)  man (ae) small (O)  apple (e) 
U. put   cut   burn  building