Selasa, 24 September 2013

Modal verbs

can and could

Can adalah modal verb (atau modal auxiliary verb).
(+) S + can + V1
(-) S + cannot/can’t + V1
(?) Can + S + V1

Bentuk orang ketiga tunggal (third person singular) tidak ditambah akhiran –s.
- She cans swim very well. (Salah)
- She can swim very well. (Benar)
Kalimat pertanyaan dan negatif tanpa menggunakan do.
- Do you can swim? (Salah)
- Can you swim? (Benar)
- I don’t can swim. (Salah)
 - I can’t swim. (Benar)
Setelah can, gunakan infinitive tanpa to (infinitive without to).
- I can to speak a little English. (Salah)
- I can speak a little English. (Benar)
Can tidak memiliki bentuk infinitive atau participles. Bila diperlukan, bisa menggunakan bentuk lain yaitu (to) be able to yang memiliki makna yang sama.
- I’d like to be able to stay here. (Bukanto can stay …)
- You’ll be able to walk soon. (Bukan You’ll can …)
- I’ve always been able to play games well. (Bukan I’ve always could …)
- I’ve always been allowed to do what I liked. (Bukan I’ve always could …)
Could adalah bentuk ”past tense” dari can. Tetapi penggunaan could tidak hanya dalam bentuk past, tetapi juga present atau future.
- I could read when I was four.
- You could be right.
- Could I see you tomorrow evening?
(+) S + could + V1
(-) S + could not/couldn’t + V1
(?) Could + S + V1
Could juga digunakan untuk kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentences).
- I could marry him if I wanted to.
- If only we had enough money, we could go to Europe for our holiday.
Can dan could terutama digunakan untuk:
a. menyatakan ability
b. menyatakan possibility
c. meminta dan memberikan permission
d. menawarkan, meminta seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu

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